Lucky Clover Planter + Clover Bracelet

Hello! Short post today! I have several homework to do argh-


Jam Mart Clothing

The Clover Bracelet has returned again this year!


Treetop Gardens

Here we have the Lucky Clover Planter back wth us!
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Diamond Shop

The Friendship Fortress Tapestry and Friendship Fortress Rug are departing for another journey in ten days’ time!



It’s somewhat disappointing, I know, but it can’t be helped- sorry.

Anyway, stay safe, and jam on!

Lucky Rainbow Fountain + Floating Fortress

Hey everyone! It’s snowing pretty hard here again, and it’s insane how the weather is so terrible ack…


Jam Mart Clothing

The Heart Earrings is leaving in nine days, and the Heart Boots in ten!


Epic Wonders

Love this item a lot! The Lucky Rainbow Fountain looks magical- my complain is the lack of blue in the rainbow, and how desaturated and dull it looks compared to the rest. While I understand it’s fuzzy to show it’s an illusion-like magical object, I feel like the opacity could have been reduced instead of making it so fuzzy. Nevertheless still a lovely item, though I’m a fountain lover-
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Outback Imports

Not a fan of the new item Rainbow Stepping Stones. It looks lame, but I like the effort making the stones look like clouds. Colour changing it turns the base into different bright colours.
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Bahari Bargains

The Clover Necklace returns once more!


Diamond Shop

Lots of leaving items! In ten days, what’s leaving are The Toucan Claw, Friendship Fortress Lamp and the Friendship Fortress Table. In nine days, the Giant Toucan Plushie, Friendship Fortress Chair and Friendship Fortress Sofa will also be removed.


Miscellaneous- Play Wild!

Lucky Day update has arrived! I hosted the images elsewhere to save my storage space, I hope it’s OK!

First of all, in this Jamaa Journal, we have a very wonderful looking den added into Play Wild!– it does look very enchanting!

A new Pack Run is out, this time it’s in the Lucky Hills to search for gold and treasure! Ooh! If only I could earn Sapphires!

In addition, time to shine with the luck with the Shamrock Armor, consisting of the Shamrock Helmet, Shamrock Amulet, Shamrock Armor, Shamrock Gauntlets and the Shamrock Tail Armor.

In-game ad! The Floating Fortress Bundle has some limited items, such as the den items and song Soaring Stronghold!



Alright, that’s all for now. Jam on, keep safe, and stay warm!

Rare Heart Earrings + Heart Scarf



Jam Mart Clothing

The Monday rare today does not look appealing… We have the Rare Heart Earrings, which looks very muted and desaturated.
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I believe I forgot to mention that the Heart T-Shirt is leaving in nine days, and the Rose Tiara in ten days!


Jam Mart Furniture

Probably forgot to mention that the Moon Lamp is leaving in nine days and the Star Lamp is leaving in ten days!


Treetop Gardens

Ignore the tag in the picture again… The Spring Clover is back to amuse us!
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Diamond Shop

In ten days, Pet Lovebugs, the Friendship Fortress as well as the Friendship Cottage will be leaving for the year!
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Miscellaneous- Play Wild!

Preview?? What the heck is that? it’s the Rare Heart Scarf for 850 Gems.Screen Shot 2019-02-25 at 5.56.31 PMScreen Shot 2019-02-25 at 5.56.38 PM
The colour scheme looks like a carrot… I didn’t buy one.


That’s all for now!
Remember, no post tomorrow! Jam on!

Lucky Bunny Lamp + Clover Balloon

Hey! Early post yesterday, and the usual late-ish today. I planned to post a bit earlier but that didn’t happen. Yesterday I went home late, with traffic and all, we went on a hike, and the sunset was beautiful! It was all so icy though, so that’s the dangerous and not-fun part of the journey.


Jam Mart Clothing

The Clover Balloon is back once more!


Jam Mart Furniture

How adorable! This brand new Lucky Rabbit Lamp looks lovely, and I like the style too! Imagine bunnies in Jamaa cosplaying as this item?
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Anyway, that’s all for now. Sorry it’s such a short post.

I haven’t really been active due to my mood, and haven’t been commenting on blogs due to my browser not letting me, but I’m viewing them, don’t worry!

Anyway, jam on!

Shamrock Glasses + Lucky Rainbow Lamp

Hey Jammers! I decided to make a quick post before I tidy up my stuff and head to bed. I should wake up early tomorrow…


Jam Mart Clothing

Here we have the Shamrock Glasses, a classic!


Jam Mart Furniture

We have the Lucky Rainbow Lamp back with us this year, a lovely item indeed, I would love it more if there was indigo though.
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Also, the Heart Lamppost is leaving in ten days!


Bahari Bargains

The Heart Trident is leaving in ten days!


Diamond Shop

The Lynx Claw returns once more to Jamaa!



Sorry this is so rushed guys.

Anyway, I’ll be back on Sunday for a proper post. Jam on!

Clover Tie + Giant Lynx Plushie

Hey! Man, I messed up today. I think my incompetence just piled up and crashed onto me today, so I messed up real bad. Anyway probably going to get an earful later, that’s something to look forward to, isn’t it?

Anyway, into the post we go!


Jam Mart Clothing

Feel lucky again by using your Clover Tie!

The Heart-Shaped Backpack is leaving in ten days!


Jam Mart Furniture

Welcome the Flower Welcome Mat! No images because I don’t want to search for it in my database or take a new one. Sorry. Anyway, the Heart Stool and Sun Lamp departing in ten days. The Frog Rug is hopping away in nine days!


Treetop Gardens

Ack I forgot to report about this! The Primrose and the Primrose Bouquet is leaving in seven days!


Diamond Shop

The Giant Lynx Plushie returns once more to the shop!
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That’s all for now.

Tomorrow, no post! I will be leaving… unless I somehow am still awake when AJ resets later on, hmm…

Jam on!

Leprechaun Tiki Torch + Shamrock Vines

Hey Jammers! I’ve been pretty inactive lately around, I’m so into my emulator, but also busy with applications and all that. I haven’t been on social media as much, or visiting other sites, but occasionally, I am here and there… just maybe a bit dead inside.


Jamaa Journal

Whoo! For once the journal opens itself for me! Anyway, the animal Arctic Fox has returned. I can’t seem to comprehend the first sentence of the journal though argh… Not a good sign…
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Also, seems like the Carnival has returned again! Time for fun and games and… limited item again…? Wow, this is annoying…
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Anyway, March is almost upon us, so is the Lucky Day!
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With Lucky Day being here soon, Lucky Clovers is a returning adventure that I don’t like too much, so I probably wouldn’t be playing it…
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Are adventures no longer popular? Seems like a remind to us to play it more! I mean, especially they made it available for everyone…
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Jam Mart Clothing

The silly Clover Antenna Headband has arrived once more!
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Jam Mart Furniture

The shiny Golden Horseshoe Streamer is back!
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The Heart Tree is leaving in ten days!


Treetop Gardens

The Shamrock Vines are back to invade some walls!


Outback Imports

Ignore the sign! Anyway, the Leprechaun Gnome is added back again! I couldn’t find an image that said “New” for it, so bear with me-
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Miscellaneous- Secret Item

We have the Leprechaun Tiki Torch in AJHQ’s Lucky Castle! Honestly, as much as it is amusing, it looks very… frightening…
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Alright, that’s all for now! Jam on, and stay safe!

Lucky Tea Set + Bayou Bungalow Sale

Hey everyone! Hopefully no one is confused why there was no post yesterday. I don’t post on Tuesdays!
Speaking of which, I’m also leaving for the whole day on Saturday, 23 February 2019, but I’ll see if I can make an early post…


Jam Mart Clothing

In nine days, the Right Friendship Necklace and the Left Friendship Necklace are leaving hand-in-hand with each other!


Jam Mart Furniture

We have the lovely Lucky Tea Set and the Clover Bench are back!
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In addition, the Giant Tumbleweed and Heart Window are leaving in ten days, alongside the Pink Swirls and Wavy Pink Walls. The Broken Heart Rug and the Wagon Wheel is leaving in nine days!



Epic Wonders

February is ending soon! It’s time to say goodbye to the Amethyst Birthstone for the moment before it, supposedly, returns next year!


Outback Imports

The leaving items are the Heart-Shaped Chair, Heart-Shaped Sofa, Heart-Shaped Fireplace and the Heart-Shaped Table.


Diamond Shop

The leaving item in nine days is the Heart Cloud, as well as the New Year’s Fortune and Special Delivery den songs!

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Miscellaneous- Play Wild!

It’s Wednesday! A new update has arrived in Play Wild! and I am cropping everything smaller and smaller just to eat less space.

Anyway, we have a sale! The Crocodile, Pet Duck and Bayou Bungalow are now cheaper, so get them before it’s too late!
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Anyway, Lucky Day is coming, which I expect is the same for Animal Jam too.
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Anyway, the Lucky Armor is back with the Lucky Party!
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It’s time for a new festival, so the items for the Friendship Festival are leaving!
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Alright, that’s all for now! Jam on, be safe!

Rare Heart Necklace + Heart Boots

Hey Jammers! I’m leaving for the whole day later in the day so I’ll make a quick post now before I head to bed…!


Jam Mart Clothing

The Friendship Bag is leaving in ten days. Not sure if I missed these yesterday, but the Heart Glasses and the Friendship Wizard Hat will be leaving too, but in nine days, not ten- keep that in mind!


Jam Mart Furniture

The Three Heart Rug and the Heart Welcome Mat will leave in ten days alongside the Stack of Barrels!


Epic Wonders

Here, the Heart Archway is leaving in ten days!Screen Shot 2018-02-15 at 5.04.47 PM


Bahari Bargains

At this point I’m starting to wonder where the Monday rare is and here is it! The Rare Heart Necklace is located under the sea!
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Miscellaneous- Play Wild!

The rare in Play Wild! is 950 Gems, and it is the Rare Heart Boots! I’m not too fond of the colours, but it goes well with my wolf!
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Thats all for now!
Jam on, and stay safe!

Arm Cuffs + Attempting to Do Purple (TFD)

Hello! I’ll try to put a bit more content into this post! I’ve gotten an emulator on my laptop after long last and started playing on it almost immediately. It’s probably not a game I should mention here due to the age restriction thing, but anyway it’s a lot of fun for me. I should try not to get too addicted to it though…


Jam Mart Clothing

The Arm Cuffs are back. It’s not my favourite item due to the texture…

In addition, the Friendship Knight Armor and the Friendship Knight Helmet will be joining with each other in the march for departure in ten days!


Jam Mart Furniture

The Friendship Cookies, Friendship Banner, Rose TableHeart Pinwheel and the Abstract Sculpture will be leaving in ten days!


Diamond Shop

Prepare a farewell party! The Friendship Art Wall, Friendship Lamp, Friendship Table, Friendship Chair, Friendship Sofa and theFriendship Rocker Jacket will be leaving in ten days!


Rainbow’s Membership Adventure

I’ll leave another of my The Forgotten Desert videos below. In this one, me and my then-newly made friends decided to try to do the purple gems (because none of us had ever attempted it). At first it seemed pretty easy, but after completing five gates, we knew that this was near impossible for laggy players, disorganization and just bad luck.

Special shoutout to Foxcookie3, missicyfox8 and Mistakes for doing this run with me!

Also, yeah, I tend to change my seating placement with the thinking set of “sit the farthest away” so incoming Jammers have to cover less distance oops.



Anyway, that’s all for now.

Jam on, and stay safe!