The Forgotten Archive


The Chronicles of the Forgotten Archive

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After the solar eclipse that raged for days in Jamaa, 31 August 2017, the fallen statue of Zios now flutter elegantly over a hatch, only for it to open on 14 September 2017, revealing a secret room underneath…

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Many scrolls could be found in the archive, clean and seemingly new, untouched, pages accessible for those who desire to read.

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Scrolls of the Past

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There are scrolls on the shelves, an open book on the altar, a second floor of what seems to be research papers… It would take forever if one were to sit down and finish reading the massive collection…

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As the archive is slowly being searched for more scrolls to help Jamaa, new article blurbs has appeared… as I read them with content, hoping for more.

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Log date: 14 December 2017. Someone must have been diligently shifting through these scrolls as well. Today, when I came to read more that I have not, I found them neatly separated in piles. The scrolls from ‘A Complete History of Jamaa’ has been divided into their individual volumes, yet I could not find volume 36 (XXXVI) that I wanted to continue reading…

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I wonder… what will these scrolls tell us in the end of the day?

Unusual Happenings

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The eclipse falling upon Jamaa itself had been very odd, but, things that happened afterwards could be said to be even more… bizarre…

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Lines of Power

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28 September 2017- in the midst of the Night of the Phantoms shrouded in darkness, blue lines dart around Jamaa Township, flashing, blinking, momentarily here and there. The Lines of Power had been said to be powerful, and either for good or evil…

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It seems like Zios has been studying these powerful lines for some time now, sketching them out, re-creating a replica…

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These Lines of Power light up in the dark, and it is especially noticeable in Play Wild!’s Jamaa Township that Club Geoz innocently sits upon one concentrated area…


As much as it is a mystery, why does Greely have the Lines of Power etched out on this hideout’s floor? Does he have malicious intents?

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12 October 2017- whatever the Lines of Power emitted, it brought upon the collapse of this iconic in Jamaa Township, a devastating event indeed.

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Trials of Zios

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27 October 2017 was when one of the three visible portals in the Forgotten Archive managed to light up and work once more, and, upon entry, transport the animals of Jamaa into a lush garden, to test your persistence, wisdom, cunningness, fortitude and patience.

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Liza and Sir Gilbert has stepped into the portal in search of a map, but instead landed in the ruins. As you place yourself to the test, Liza and Sir Gilbert study the area, searching to clues why they were sent there…

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When the next two opens, I wonder what kind of locations we will be brought to? Would it be a good or a bad thing?



Alpha Headquarters

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The 2nd of November 2017, the ruins of Club Geoz has been removed, and a new structure overtakes Club Geoz’s place in the town.

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What mysterious evil is approaching Jamaa that the headquarters had to be built in Jamaa Township? What do the Alphas know that we do not?

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14 December 2017- the mysterious thing from the ancient city was brought to the Alpha Headquarters… How odd, what if it belonged down there?

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It might have belonged down there after all… because it did not seem to like Jamaa Township’s bustling life.

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18 January 2018’s Jamaa Journal shows that the stone has vanished. How odd, to be placed a little over a month ago only to disappear without a trace. Could it have evaporated or shrunk? Or perhaps moved on its own?



The Mystery Below

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30 November 2017- the second portal gave way and lead us into the darkness where the most peculiar things lie. Moths one never saw, crystals of blue and red, mysteriously built structures underneath. A forgotten city.

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Cosmo and Graham awaited for us before we continued our travels. From the bright sunny areas of the trials deep into the darkness… I am starting to have doubts as I step in… What if all the lores we knew were a lie? The darkness that we see around us invaded by Phantoms, that lived so naturally there, as if that was their home in the darkness. So many scrolls I picked up along my adventure with only more and more thoughts to bring a storm upon my mind. I fear so much by not understanding…



The River’s Heart

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01 February 2018- the third portal opens, revealing a wonderful place where it seems to have been Greely’s doing to take the stone. A Heartstone, it seems, and he wishes to activate it where it belongs, at the heart of the river. I wonder, really, if all these were just connected dots for Zios to show us that he wanted us to reveal another new animal before us. I wonder indeed- these three portals, what are their intentions?



Balloosh, The River’s Heart

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15 February 2018- Balloosh, the name of our newest land, is now open not only to adventurers, but to everyone, showing everyone it’s beauty, and the gorgeous pull of the place. The Heartstone the Jammers and the Alphas set up is still there, back to where it belongs. So… it did not belong to the underground city after all, but so many points seem to tie the two things together yet. However, this new land, we must learn to cherish it and it’s beauty, before anything else happens…

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A wall of vines obstruct an entrance, and it is making me curious… Could it lead to the Ancient City? I wonder…



Temple of the Ancients

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The journal on 1st of March 2018 proved me wrong. It did not lead to the underground ancient city, but instead an ancient hall opened, with walls much like the Ancient City. Could this be a part of it? I do wonder, and a gallery of information of animals of old are chiselled onto the stone tablets. The Temple of Ancients in Balloosh… If more animals ventured this land would we preserve it or do we ruin it?

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I walk down the empty halls of the temple, walls lined with information, as I read them, wondering who could have written these? The Alphas? I could not place my paw so easily on it…



An Omen? Sabertooths!

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However, on the 15th on March 2018, an odd event happened. One of the stone blocks shattered, revealing a most odd carving. I tried identifying it, but it was not only crooked, but unproportional. My guess is a fanged beast of the past, from what I have been reading about from the temple. It really is a curious being…

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29 March 2018- the stone was revealed to become a sabertooth statue. While I found this quite odd, many were pleased with the surprise it has come to…


12 April 2018- the sabertooths has arrived in Jamaa! From extinction- how could this be? This miracle has surprised me well, as it seemed like they have survived the catastrophe in the past and now joined us of peaceful Jamaa… I wonder what do they all think of the ‘now’ Jamaa?


I thought that now all was well, there would be nothing more as of such, but the article of 26 April 2018 proved me wrong, as yet another wall broke down, and it seemed like another statue has come to play. I ponder over its queer shape… What could it be? 



Yet Another: Dire Wolves

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26 April 2018- it seems like yet another portion of the wall in the temple has fallen, and an odd figure has started to shape… Could it be, another extinct one that will return to roam in Jamaa?

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All my questions were answered on 10 May 2018- the extinct dire wolf. These animals no one has seen for a very long time, where did they disappear to in the past, why and how? What’s happening in Jamaa, as yet another fallen rises again? This intrigues me so much for me to feel elation of the moment of another addition to our expanding family… How odd, why do I think so?


On the 24th of May, 2018, these once-extinct animals arrive. These bulky creatures terrify me as their shadows loom across the ground, as I watch them pass. I wonder why I fear these unknown creatures so much. That must be why. For, after all, they are shrouded in secrets.

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Did someone temper with the Heartstones once more? Once the Sabertooth’s Heartstone glowed richly under the sun rays outside in Balloosh ever since their arrival, but with the new coming of the dire wolves, the Heartstone vanished, and I feared for the worst for a moment. Luckily, it seemed like someone had moved it into the temple, the pink bits chipped off completely, displayed on a pillar-pedestal, with the dire wolves’ Heartstone as its neighbour.

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A New Mystery?

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I thought it was the end already, but I was wrong. 19 July 2018, a new page about the statue that stood in the temple warned us all about what might be a new revolution of the area. Though I wonder what made Liza and Sir Gilbert to be in such a haste, leaving their notes strewn in the area, meaningless observations and thoughts written on them, with nothing more to say than questions.

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Pages strewn here and there, I did not expect results so quickly..

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The Alphas announced that the statue was of the Arctic wolf Alpha- Juno. I can only faintly remember about them, but why does this wolf stand here? On 02 August 2018, I found more notes, Cosmo and Graham listing their thoughts and their facts on Juno.

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On the fateful 16 August 2018, the Alphas finally found the key to the puzzle, an ancient Alpha was the stone itself, one named Juno. Even so if such a thing existed, would there be more mysteries to come? I know now not to let my guard down.

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Greely’s and Peck’s note were the last seen, before they all vanished, however a shop appeared, selling items of Juno.

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Journal Entry Clipping

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11 January 2018 demonstrates a compilation of photos of the past events relating to whatever happened after the eclipse to the Forgotten Archive’s appearance. Odd indeed that all these we had just recently discovered and that these are all still ever so clean and functional… As we step into a new year, I wonder what kind of adventures we will face?

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06 December 2018 marks yet the coming of a new year, and a journal page was released to recall the incidents of the past events that led us to the past coming back to us- the sabertooths and direwolves. What will be next?

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13 December 2018- another of these journal pages to recall past events has been published. After reading those words, I wonder what other secrets it hides?

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27 December 2018- another journal page regarding Juno, an Arctic wolf Alpha, has appeared in the news, to remember of the past incidents we unburied in the year.

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04 January 2019- another journal entry recalling how 2018 is over, referring back to the incidents since 2017 up to present.

01 August 2019- it has almost been a year since their discovery of Juno, and it seems like the Alphas crafted armours specially after Juno’s to glorify the Arctic wolf Alpha.

08 August 2019- no new word except for a sale going around. It seems like some items have been crafted specially for the celebration of Juno’s discovery, and they were selling them for a limited time.


This brings fear upon my heart. Ever since those days dark as night, the eclipse, had passed, Jamaa had started to change, ever still booming with wonder, but curiously, a feel of unease sweeps over my heart. I pray that matters will not get out of hand…

Zios, Mira, and the Alphas. What are they hiding from us? Perhaps it might be good that they hide horrifying truths from us, but there are desires in every one of us, to want to investigate, and wonder, what made all these things happen.

For now, all I can do is ponder upon it.


– Countess Magicspirit

Last updated on 11 August 2019.