Lucky Skunk Bundle + Lucky Clover Streamer

Hey! Rainbow’s here today! Not sure why I wouldn’t be haha, but let’s get started!


Jamaa Journal

Hello journal! The Lucky Skunk Bundle is an exclusive bundle it seems, but I doubt that the items would be rare and would be implemented into the game. You’ll get a Skunk, Pet Skunk, Lucky Castle, Clover Armor Set as well as a variety of den items! I thought it was a badger from the preview of the homepage, but alright, this also made sense- except I forgot animal skunks weren’t a thing in AJ yet-
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Jam Mart Furniture

Here we have a simple but lovely Lucky Clover Streamer!
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Shiveer Shoppe

The Pot O’ Gold Earmuffs has returned to make you lucky!


Bahari Bargains

Be the underwater ruler of luck with the mighty Clover Trident!


Diamond Shop

Again, please ignore the image’s tag! It’s new, not leaving, but I couldn’t find the image in my database. Anyway, welcome back, Pot O’ Diamonds!
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However some items are planning to leave, such as the Friendship Fortress Throne and the Friendship Fortress Sconce.


Miscellaneous- Play Wild!

The Lucky Castle makes an appearance to our wonderful Play Wild!– a lovely addition for the season in both games!



Aright, that’s all for now. Jam on!