Pet Fuzzy Lop Bunny + Leprechaun Hat

Hello! I don’t feel so well today. I was fine but when I got home I felt… light headed… Maybe I just need a bit more rest…


Jam Mart Clothing

Let’s welcome the Leprechaun Hat and the Clover Leg Warmers returning faithfully again this season!
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Jam Mart Furniture

Get yourself comfortable on the Lucky Ottoman and Lucky Armchair duo!
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Diamond Shop

The Friendship Amulet is leaving in nine days, and the Friendship Armor is flying off in ten days’ time!


Miscellaneous- Play Wild!

It’s Wednesday! Time for a new journal!

Anyway, more flying animals has arrived. I don’t like them in Play Wild! so this is an “oh no” from me haha. Anyway, the Falcon has arrived!

Cute! The Pet Fuzzy Lop Bunny is now in the Sapphire Shop!

Glide through the skies with the stars with the Midnight Falcon Armor. Also, I updated the Phantom Dimension journal a few days back with the potion update!

However, it doesn’t seem like the fixed the typo yet… I already pointed it out to AJHQ, but via Instagram, since I thought they were active there. I can’t imagine how many DMs they get in a day though…
Anyway, the typo is poition instead of potion.
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Also, if you’re interested in a bundle, the Soaring Falcon Bundle might interest you! It contains a Falcon, the Midnight Falcon Armor and a Blazing Falcon Armor that reminds me of Combusken!


Alright, that’s all for now!

I hope everyone stays safe, take are of yourselves. Jam on!