Giant Red Apple Pi Day

Hello everyone. Quick post, I need to catch up with a deadline eek-


Jamaa Journal

Oh hey, look at the date! Today is Pi Day! Now or never, get Pi Day items! Oh wait, there’s still next year, but that’s like over 365 days away so-!


Jam Mart Clothing

Check out this Pi Hat, with berry juice oozing out… I hope it’s not sticky-
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Jam Mart Furniture

More, but not limited to, Pi Day items! I bought several since they look cute!
Though… Pi Cloud sounds a bit too weird for me. Like what will it shower? The pi symbol? I feel like AJHQ is forcing it at this point-

Pi Lamp | Pi Chair | Pi Dining Table
Giant Red Apple Pi | Pi Cloud | Pi Stepping Stones

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Pi Rug | Painted Clover

Also the Hockey Sticks are leaving in ten days!



That’s all for now!
Heads up I am leaving for camp tomorrow, so tomorrow I will make a quick post, and no post on Saturday. There will be a reminder again tomorrow.

Anyway, jam on and stay safe!