Aquarium Window + Spring Double Ribbon Bow

Hello! Sorry for the late post!

I woke up late, but I felt great since I’ve been kind of stressed last week. I took a test yesterday, and it went well, but something else didn’t- what I had to hand in, a portfolio. Everyone had such thick ones and I had but like nine items. Granted, I didn’t think I’d walk down this path but still-

I also had to hand in a 3D-piece, and I think I did a very good job at the construction, but this is still so stressful…

Anyway, let’s get this post started!


Jam Mart Furniture

More aquarium items! We have the Aquarium Window and the Aquarium Floor– items I would get if I had membership!

However, the Frozen Banner will be leaving in ten days!


Diamond Shop

Back again this year are the Spring Double Ribbon Bow and the Spring Elf Tail Armor, I wonder if we’ll be getting new ones this year?



That’s all for now.

Jam on, everyone!