Stack Of Dirty Dishes + April Fool’s Party 2019

Hey! Today was not a very good day for me argh… I have to work harder to make things the way I want it to go!


Jam Mart Clothing

It’s getting warmee everyday, it was nice out today! The Snowflake Hoodie is leaving in ten days!


Jam Mart Furniture

Ew… I don’t like this item, the Stack Of Dirty Dishes looks absolutely horrifying and disgusting. I am never getting this item ever.



I caught the April Fool’s Party of 2019 whooo! I doubt any of the items changed but heck it’s better than not catching the party!

Sliced Bread Stepping Stones | Ice Cream Sandwich Coffee Table | Butter Sofa
Donut Table | Upside Down Sconce | Upside Down Chandelier

Upside Down Plant | Upside Down Tea Set | Upside Down Window
Upside Down Table | Upside Down Ice Cream Cone | Macaroni Pet House

Misshapen Window | Banana Peel | Wacky Table
Oddly Shaped Rug | Silly Chair | Warped Lamp

Pie Face | Dizzy Stars
Bunny Teeth | Hyno-Glasses
Shark Hat | Firefly Hat

Glove Hat | Frying Pan Hat



Sorry if the post seems short, but this is all I have for now!
Jam on and stay safe!