Rare Striped Double Bow Tie + Spring Gardening Hat

Hello! It’s Monday once again- the week repeats itself…


Jam Mart Clothing

Colour-wise the Rare Spring Gardening Hat looks nice, but the colour combo isn’t exactly something I like.

It’s huge on Countess! Count pulls it off better… bunnies…


Jam Mart Furniture

One of my favourite item returns- the Mossy Fountain is back!


Diamond Shop

The shining Diamond Encrusted Tail Armor will be leaving in ten days!


Miscellaneous- Play Wild!

The rare today is rather fancy- it’s the Rare Striped Double Bow Tie!



Alright, that’s all for now.
Jam on, and stay safe!

Ping Pong Table + The Seal Claw

Hey! There’s not a lot of things to be updated today, but hey let’s start!


Jam Mart Clothing

Back and blooming is the Flower Glasses!


Jam Mart Furniture

Ooh! I like this item! I myself do play ping=pong, so this new Ping Pong Table not only looks well done and accurate, but a nice addition to simply sport balls! I don’t play ping-pong (or table tennis) competitively though, just for fun.

You know what else is fun? Warmer weather and no snow to shovel! The Snow Shovel will be leaving in ten days!


Outback Imports

What has returned? The Mossy Stone Pathway has!  


Diamond Shop

The returning claw is The Seal Claw!



So something silly happened yesterday and I thought I’d share. I was chatting with friends so I hopped onto a mule to check around for me. I went to Kimbara and saw this figure in the side…

When I entered, they were relatively quiet, and our animals just… did nothing. Suddenly, someone comes in, they started saying something.

AH. That makes sense. When I was younger I used to do this kind of thing with friends during the spooky season. However, they dropped the act when a sudden group of people entered and asked what they were doing, ending the very short scenario. I mean, the point I did it was for the spooks. This one is to scare and confuse them, maybe?



Alright, that’s all for now.

School starts again tomorrow… it’s a new week.

Jam on, stay safe!

Spring Worn Blanket Returns

Hey Jammers! There’s not a lot of content in Animal Jam right now, so I apologise for the consistent short posts…

Also yesterday I mentioned I wanted to add more pages… that is currently impossible as my internet is being ridiculously slow, it’s even very hard to load Animal Jam, but I will try again tomorrow, maybe it’ll be better tomorrow?

It’s hard to even do anything online- even texting via it, which is horrible for a student who needs to manage group work ack.

Jam Mart Furniture

I might have missed this yesterday, sorry! The item leaving in nine days is the Snowboard– the weather forecast said it might snow again for us… that’s pretty insane, if you ask me.

Diamond Shop

The new item is the returning Spring Worn Blanket. When this first came out for a limited amount of time, I got pretty hyped up and actually stocked up a lot. I do have my regrets now but now that they return every year…

In addition, the Lynx will be leaving in ten days!

Alright, that’s all for now. Jam on and stay safe!

Potted Flower Hat + Mossy Stone Bench

Hey! First of all, I would like to apologise for the short post.
I do realise how I’m not really connecting and interacting with most of my viewers, which is really no fun at all. I hope to make some additions to Pet Stories on the weekend though!

I know I mentioned it several times before but I am in a rather busy time of my life… I am online, hanging around here and there but when I make pages to the blog, I usually spend hours on it.

To be fair, I don’t have to format anything much, but still…


Jam Mart Clothing

The Potted Flower Hat has returned once more!


Jam Mart Furniture

Nice! The lovely Mossy Stone Bench makes a comeback!


Sorry but that’s all for now. Jam on!

Mossy Wall + Vine Flower Lamp

Hey Jammers! First of all I would like to apologise that there was no post yesterday. I attended an event and forgotten it was a Wednesday, thinking it was a Tuesday as I did have Monday off. Secondly, I would like to apologise at how late this post is. I went out with my friends today and I assumed I would be back a little earlier but that didn’t seem to be the case. Lastly, I would like to apologise that my schedule has been pretty erratic lately- I haven’t been following the times on the side so I have to do better!

With that said, let us start this post!


Jam Mart Furniture

The Mossy Wall and the Vine Flower Lamp has returned!

However, the Icicle Lights will be leaving in ten days!

Diamond Shop

Here in the Diamond Shop we have a number of items leaving! The items are the Flying Pig Sofa, Flying Pig Chair, Flying Pig Table, Flying Pig Lamp, Giant Flying Pig Statue, Flying Pig Balloons, Flying Pig Fountain, Flying Pig Rug, Flying Pig Streamer, Flying Pig Pillow, Flying Pig Ottoman and Flying Pig Stepping Stones.

Miscellaneous- Play Wild!

These are from 24 April 2019.

There is a new sale- this time for the Giraffe, Pet Elephant and Safari Manor!

The DNA Armor has returned once more, and here is an advertisement on magic potions… which I have never used.

That’s all for now, Jammers.

Sorry again for the delay, have a nice day!

Crocus Flowers Sprung Back!

Hey Jammers! Super short post today, I don’t have anything to spice it up either so I apologise!


Treetop Gardens

The Crocus Flowers has finally sprung back to life!


Diamond Shop

The Flying Pig Outfit, consisting of the Flying Pig Hat, Flying Pig Collar, Flying Pig Balloon, Flying Pig Shoes and the Flying Pig Tail.



Thats all for now!

Sorry it’s so short.

Jam on, stay safe!

Rare Sunflower Necklace + Rare Spring Flower Horns

Hey everyone! Today’s the 22nd of April, so happy Earth day! Check out the adorable Google doodle that’s available today!

Remember- do good for the environment everyday!


Jam Mart Clothing

Today’s rare is the Rare Spring Flower Horns– the brown part reminds me of chocolate instead of a tree trunk or mud…

The dangerous-looking Ice Spikes are leaving in ten days!


Jam Mart Furniture

The Pile of Snowballs will melt away in ten days!


Epic Wonders

The Giant Mossy Pond has returned once more!


Diamond Shop

The Pet Flying Pig will take to the skies in ten days, while The Hyena Claw slinks away as well in ten days time!


Miscellaneous- Play Wild!

Todays rare in Play Wild! looks lovely. I don’t know what the normal variant looks like but hey this is one bright and sunny Rare Sunflower Necklace!



Alright, that’s all for now, Jammers!

Have a nice day, jam on!

Dodgeball Sofa + Spring Gardening Hat

Hello Jammers! Happy Easter to those who celebrate, or Kartini Day for Indonesians. It’s been a while since I celebrated it actually…


Jam Mart Clothing

The Spring Gardening Hat is still ever so fashionable as it returns this year!


Jam Mart Furniture

This looked comfortable until I read it was a Dodgeball Sofa… texture wise I’m not sure how nice it would be but hey that is a cute smiley face.


Epic Wonders

April ends very soon, so the Diamond Birthstone will say goodbye alongside the melting Ice Sword in ten days!


Treetop Gardens

The Sweet Pea and the Sweet Pea Bouquet are leaving in ten days!


Diamond Shop

The Rain Cloud and the Giant Hyena Plushie are leaving in ten days!



A little shout-out to user Difficult, the author of the Animal Jam Timber, for sending me a lovely Jam-a-gram. It makes my day to get a comment or Jam-a-gram about my blog, so thank you!
I might have gotten this one because you sent two pfft-

Though yeah, commenting on this blog is a bit of a hassle… sadly I don’t know any way around it…


Alright, that’s all for now!

I have to do some studying today haha.

Jam on, stay safe!

Badminton Lamp + Spring Dragonfly Hair Clip

Hello Jammers! Today it will be a short and rushed post- I had to go somewhere BUT I accidentally went back to bed after turning the alarm off so anyway let’s get started!


Jam Mart Furniture

Sports themed stuff? Today the item is the Badminton Lamp– kind of innovative, if I say so myself. I like this one’s concept a lot!

However, the Snow Cannon leaves in ten days!


Diamond Shop

The Otter Claw has made its way back to the Diamond Shop today alongside the Spring Dragonfly Hair Clip, which is one of my favourite spring items!



Alright, that’s all for now.

Got to go!

Jam on!

Roller Skate Chair + Flower Tail

Hello Jammers!
I feel like my homepage feels outdated… I have to edit the sidebars sometimes and spice it up a bit! I’ve been planning to do that but I haven’t been productive about anything in my blog…

It’s the long weekend for me, though! I hope everyone is going to have a good weekend, and, if needed, rest up and relax.


Jam Mart Clothing

I vaguely remember the Flower Tail but not so much, but it’s here once more!

It was raining, but the shine keeps on shining! The Icicle Horn melts in ten days!


Jam Mart Furniture

I think this brand new Roller Skate Chair looks super neat! The large wheels might be inconvenient when one sits on the chair but I like this a LOT. I just hope it doesn’t smell like feet haha…


Diamond Shop

With the arrival of a patterned animal, the Fearsome Falcon will take to the skies in ten days time!

In addition, the Giant Otter Plushie has returned while the Kingdom Fountain will be leaving in ten days’ time!



That’s all for now.

Jam on, stay safe!

Don’t forget to actually do what you need to do over the weekend!