No Post Notice

Hey Jammers! Rainbow here, and I have been extremely swamped!
Yesterday was hectic, and I have lots of work to catch up on due to spending time doing other important things yesterday. Not sure when I’ll be back, but consider this a small hiatus post.

I’ll try to continue posting by Wednesday, 03 February 2021 once more, but I make no promises.
By the latest, I should be back by 05 February 2021.

Jam on, and stay safe!

Cold Weather Thermometer + Kitchen Shelves

Hey Jammers! Rainbow here!

How’s everyone doing? Hopefully well!

Let’s get this post started!

Jam Mart Furniture

I think the Pet Cabin has only recently arrived in stores? I might be wrong though?
However, we do have the new Cold Weather Thermometer, which actually looks pretty bad.
Like how is anyone going to read that? Why have a sun up there?

Shiveer Shoppe

The Silly Winter Hat is here once more!

Diamond Shop

The Kitchen Shelves are here to keep your place tidy!

However, the Deluxe Dog Pillow and Candy Cane Sword are leaving in ten days!

Miscellaneous – Play Wild!

So… I caught the 2021 Friendship Party over at Play Wild! just a few hours ago.
I know there’s nothing new, but might as well slap it down here.

Same ol’ venue, I guess they don’t have budget to rent new space or get new furniture. It still has that hazardous chimney where you could fall through from like two? three? stories high. Very dangerous, wish it was changed or blocked off.

Heart Koi Pond | Heart Hedge | Heart Chair
Heart Table | Heart Sconce | Heart Lamp

Heart Lantern | Heart Couch | Heart Window

left Friendship Necklace | Right Friendship Necklace | Heart Tail Topper
Heart Eye Patch | Heart Leg Warmers

Alright, that’s all I have to post for now-

Jam on, stay safe!

Snow-Covered Car + Rare Winter Wishing Well

Hey Jammers! Rainbow here, and I’m lagging behind in work.
Not good. I’ve been drawing a lot these past days though, but still, I need to get my priorities straight pfft. I should be typing more than drawing-

Jam Mart Clothing

As February approaches, the season changes soon. The Heart Hat is here!

Jam Mart Furniture

Ah, I feel so bad for the Snow-Covered Car
That looks like a lot of snow, awful…

Diamond Shop

The Kitchen Fridge is here to store away you freshly baked Macarons and Cupcakes!

If you haven’t grabbed the Bag of Dog Food for your pet, best do it before ten days!

The Snow Leopard Claw and the Giant Snow Leopard Plushie are back!

In addition, the Baker’s Hat, Oven Mitts and Baking Apron are back!
Wished they blocked in the previous drawings in the original version better though, the outline is visibly still there are it really destroys the visual appearance of it…

The Legendary Jamaaliday Glove is leaving in ten days!

Miscellaneous – Leilani

The Rare Winter Wishing Well is for trade if you have the Ice Climber Gear to offer Leilani! Still no new dialogue from the Arctic wolf though.

Alright, that’s all for now!
Jam on, stay safe!

Frozen Feast Table + Baking Counter

Hey Jammers!

Epic Wonders

The Frozen Feast Table is back once more!

However, the Feast of Thanks Table, Spooky Tree, Bubbling Cauldron and the Funny Face Stand are leaving in ten days!

Diamond Shop

The Baking Counter is back once more!

However, the Jamaaliday Rainbow Glove, Gingerbread Helmet, Gingerbread Amulet, Gingerbread Armor, Gingerbread Gauntlets and the Gingerbread Tail Armor are leaving in ten days!

Miscellaneous – Play Wild!

There’s yet another sale! Get the Toucan, Pet Polar Bear or the Jungle Treehouse for a lowered price! Maybe I should get a toucan…?

As January is about to end, a new celebration shall take place…

Alright, that’s all for now!
Jam on, stay safe!

Rare Arctic Knit Boots + Ice Thrones

Hey Jammers! Rainbow here!
I got caught in some mishap and have a lot of work to do, so let’s make this post quick!

Jam Mart Furniture

The Maple Leaf Candle is leaving in ten days!

Epic Wonders

The Ice Thrones are back, glamorously on display!

Diamond Shop

The Kitchen Sink is back!
You can fill the sink with water, and then throw it down the drain.
At least it’s somewhat interactive-

Miscellaneous – Leilani

The Arctic wolf is at loss for words today, it seems.
However, their trading game is still going strong! If you have Spring Alpine Gauntlets, you can trade it for Rare Arctic Knit Boots!

Alright, that’s all for now!
Jam on, stay safe!

…I should probably find more variations on how to end my posts.

Rare Winter Book of Spells + Garnet Boots

Hey Jammers! Rainbow here!
A little stressed… just got my laptop updated and now nothing seems to be working as it had been before. Kind of needed the update though, so I’ll eventually adapt…

Jam Mart Clothing

Ooh, I’ve always liked the base item so this Rare Winter Book of Spells with a safe colour scheme of monochromatic blues look lovely to me!

However, the Cornucopia Hat is leaving in ten days!

Jam Mart Furniture

The Autumn Tree, Giant Acorn and String Of Leaves are leaving in ten days!

Diamond Shop

From the kitchen, the Layered Cake returns! Still wished it could be colour swapped…

We also have the Moose, Fennec Fox, Pet Moose and Peck’s Den are leaving in ten days!

Miscellaneous – Play Wild!

Logging in for twenty-five days in January shall award you with the Garnet Boots!

You can also find today’s rare in Shiveer Shoppe, which is the Rare S’mores Shoes! Conceptually, they look like s’mores, but I’m not a fan enough to purchase.

Alright, that’s all for now!

Jam on, stay safe!

Winter Clock + Stove Top Oven

Hey Jammers! Rainbow here. Short post today, let’s get started!

Jam Mart Furniture

The Autumn Leaves Wall Art, Acorn Tea Set and Rake And Leaf Pile are leaving in ten days! I keep forgetting it’s winter since I’ve been mostly cooped up at home pfft.

Epic Wonders

Here we have the Winer Clock! It looks so different from the usual items…

Diamond Shop

The Stove Top Oven is back once more!
The colour options you get for this item is really playful.

Alright! That’s all for now!

Jam on, stay safe!

Log Cabin Doghouse + Rare Arctic Gauntlets

Hey Jammers! Rainbow here, let’s get this post started!

Jam Mart Clothing

The Polar Snowflake Hoodie is back once more!

The Harvest Feather Earrings are leaving in ten days!

Jam Mart Furniture

The Log Cabin Doghouse is here! I think it looks rather neat!

Diamond Shop

The Miniature Holiday Tree is the next miniature item…?
I feel like this is super redundant and unnecessary, since we have normal small non-member trees for sale for Gems, and the only difference are likely the additional presents and the white base? I think that’s kind of lame, when they could have an entirely new item.

Miscellaneous – Leilani

Looking to trade? You can trade your Arctic Knit Glasses for the Rare Arctic Gauntlets! The gauntlets has this shiny gleam to it, it must have took me at least twenty tries to screen shot the item to show it was shiny haha. The shining glint was really speedy-

Alright, got to run now!
I have lots of things to do-

Jam on, stay safe!

Hot Spring + Miniature Juice Hut

Hey Jammers! Rainbow here!
My eyes are oddly tired… I’ll take a break after typing this post up.

Jam Mart Clothing

The Acorn Hat is leaving in ten days!

Jam Mart Furniture

Here’s the very snug looking Hot Spring! Though… the colours look too warm, don’t you think? It reminds me of another oversized den item… This item is rather small though.
I thought it’d be larger so multiple animals can have a nice soak together…

We do have leaving items though! These were recently marked since I didn’t see them yesterday – and I don’t think I would have missed a cluster of them.

Leaving in ten days are the Poinsettia, Fall Shrub, Maple Leaf Pinwheel and Acorn Chair. Leaving in nine days are the Fall Leaves Rug and the Corn Cob Chair.

Epic Wonders

The Garnet Birthstone is leaving in ten days!

Treetop Gardens

The Carnation and the Carnation Bouquet are leaving in ten days as well!

Diamond Shop

The Miniature Juice Hut is the next building to be added!

The Diamond Cloud, however, is leaving in ten days!


So I have nothing to say here, so I collected my prize at 100 Eco Credits. Is this the last reward? Anyway, it’s the Gold Eco Plaque! The one from Play Wild! looks really cheap and fake.

Alright, that’s all for now!
Jam on, stay safe!

Miniature Temple of Zios + Rare Rustic Curio

Hey Jammers! Rainbow here!
There are things I want to do so I’ll make this post quick-

Jamaa Journal

In this issue of there is more advertisements than actual updates, you learn of the existence of the Deep Freeze Armor and the miniature Jamaa landmarks.
I mean I suppose unless you check a majority of the stores everyday, I guess it wouldn’t be common knowledge to actually poke around for them.

More advertisements! We’ll see baking items soon, and more winter den items!
Ooh I like that little pool thing, and poor car…

Jam Mart Clothing

The Fall Mohawk is leaving in ten days!

Jam Mart Furniture

The Microscope is leaving in ten days!
It’s only January, AJHQ! The students aren’t out of school yet!

Epic Wonders

So um, we have the Epic Glacier here in store and I do not like it.
First of all, AJHQ, why is there a random head in there?? A random head that’s another item that you slapped on? Not only is that lazy, but incredibly creepy and it also looks so out of place?
Like did someone’s decapitated head got frozen or something…?

Diamond Shop

Finally. Something that’s akin to a true landmark. Except this is the newer edition, wished there was a way to change it into its ruined state, I think I prefer that one.
The Miniature Temple of Zios honestly looks a bit plain…

Miscellaneous – Play Wild!

The Pi Pie‘s time has come! I bought it specifically for the usage of trading, and now I can trade it for the Rare Rustic Curio! It looks pretty neat, if I say so myself-

I didn’t know what a curio is, but apparently it means intriguing object.

Alright, that’s all for now! Jam on, stay safe!