Garnet Biplane + Miniature Pillow Room

Hey Jammers! How is everyone doing? Rainbow here!
It’s the end of the week, this week felt super weird for me…

Hopefully everyone is doing well though!

Epic Wonders

Hm, so the Polar Bear Archway is here. Icy.

Diamond Shop

The Miniature Pillow Room is here!

The Black Cat Stepping Stones are leaving in eight days, Black Cat Spotlight in nine and the Black Cat Moon in ten! AJHQ just added the leaving in notices today.

Miscellaneous – Play Wild!

Logging in for fifteen days this month grants you the Garnet Biplane!

Pretty excited about this one! It’s rather massive, but I like it!
Might need to make space for it though, and being able to sit on it is a perfect touch.

Alright, that’s all for now!

Jam on, stay safe!