Miniature Temple of Zios + Rare Rustic Curio

Hey Jammers! Rainbow here!
There are things I want to do so I’ll make this post quick-

Jamaa Journal

In this issue of there is more advertisements than actual updates, you learn of the existence of the Deep Freeze Armor and the miniature Jamaa landmarks.
I mean I suppose unless you check a majority of the stores everyday, I guess it wouldn’t be common knowledge to actually poke around for them.

More advertisements! We’ll see baking items soon, and more winter den items!
Ooh I like that little pool thing, and poor car…

Jam Mart Clothing

The Fall Mohawk is leaving in ten days!

Jam Mart Furniture

The Microscope is leaving in ten days!
It’s only January, AJHQ! The students aren’t out of school yet!

Epic Wonders

So um, we have the Epic Glacier here in store and I do not like it.
First of all, AJHQ, why is there a random head in there?? A random head that’s another item that you slapped on? Not only is that lazy, but incredibly creepy and it also looks so out of place?
Like did someone’s decapitated head got frozen or something…?

Diamond Shop

Finally. Something that’s akin to a true landmark. Except this is the newer edition, wished there was a way to change it into its ruined state, I think I prefer that one.
The Miniature Temple of Zios honestly looks a bit plain…

Miscellaneous – Play Wild!

The Pi Pie‘s time has come! I bought it specifically for the usage of trading, and now I can trade it for the Rare Rustic Curio! It looks pretty neat, if I say so myself-

I didn’t know what a curio is, but apparently it means intriguing object.

Alright, that’s all for now! Jam on, stay safe!