Cold Weather Thermometer + Kitchen Shelves

Hey Jammers! Rainbow here!

How’s everyone doing? Hopefully well!

Let’s get this post started!

Jam Mart Furniture

I think the Pet Cabin has only recently arrived in stores? I might be wrong though?
However, we do have the new Cold Weather Thermometer, which actually looks pretty bad.
Like how is anyone going to read that? Why have a sun up there?

Shiveer Shoppe

The Silly Winter Hat is here once more!

Diamond Shop

The Kitchen Shelves are here to keep your place tidy!

However, the Deluxe Dog Pillow and Candy Cane Sword are leaving in ten days!

Miscellaneous – Play Wild!

So… I caught the 2021 Friendship Party over at Play Wild! just a few hours ago.
I know there’s nothing new, but might as well slap it down here.

Same ol’ venue, I guess they don’t have budget to rent new space or get new furniture. It still has that hazardous chimney where you could fall through from like two? three? stories high. Very dangerous, wish it was changed or blocked off.

Heart Koi Pond | Heart Hedge | Heart Chair
Heart Table | Heart Sconce | Heart Lamp

Heart Lantern | Heart Couch | Heart Window

left Friendship Necklace | Right Friendship Necklace | Heart Tail Topper
Heart Eye Patch | Heart Leg Warmers

Alright, that’s all I have to post for now-

Jam on, stay safe!

One comment on “Cold Weather Thermometer + Kitchen Shelves

  1. […] the Friendship Festival arrived, don’t miss out on the Friendship Party (covered HERE), and sort out those letters and parcels in the returning […]

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