Delightful Deliveries Pack Run + Heart Earrings

Hey Jammers! Rainbow here!
I mean… who else can it be?

Jam Mart Clothing

The Heart Earrings are back!

Jam Mart Furniture

Featuring the newest safety hazard being disguised as a furniture is the Cupid Chair. I do not agree with this design. It’s dangerous, it’s not safe, and this is a kids game! What if this influenced children to do something similar with their toys?
Bad. Very bad. I hope this gets taken down soon. I hope no one imitates this.
Also those chair legs irk me.

Now, for not-so-deadly selections!
We have the Pink Crystals, Pink Chest and the Heart Lamppost!

Bahari Bargains

The Heart Trident, Heart Necklace and Heart Eye Patch are back!

Diamond Shop

The Friendship Sofa is back for the season!

However, the Balloosh Dog House and the Candy Sword are leaving in ten days!

Miscellaneous – Play Wild!

Alright! Let’s talk about the current Pack Run Delightful Deliveries!

So, you have to collect letters, bouquets and boxes of sweets from around the area and then bring them over to various check points that are mailboxes.

There are two gimmicks in this run. One of them is the maze itself, in which makes you need to pick routes and makes it more difficult to go from one place to another.

Sometimes they act like barriers. For example, here there seems to be an area with an abundance of items, but I couldn’t seem to find a way in. Not even as a flying animal.
I have to know how to get there!!

The second gimmick is hiding. With the walls, sometimes things are hidden close to the walls and hard to see if you’re not paying attention, but this one time I found the hatch literally just inside the hedges? What?? That’s not fair!

Anyway, the gifts, in ascending order of the amount of items you need to collect to obtain, are the Friendship Bracelet, Friendship Amulet, Friendship Lamp, Friendship Unicorn Headband and the BFF Plaque. The plaque is the final reward, but wow it’s pretty lame. Surprised the accessories were blue, but overall I don’t like the items. They don’t seem very friendship like to me, the bracelet aside, though even that looks poorly made. Like what’s a unicorn headband got to do with my friendship?

Alright, that’s all for now!

Jam on, stay safe!