Haunted Spiderweb + Super Sweets Rares!

Hey! A short post today! I have to get some things done but Play Wild! is distracting me… You’ll see why in a bit!


Jam Mart Clothing

Oddly I couldn’t find this in my older images… I wonder how old these are? The Werewolf Mask and the Spider Mask are back in the shop!
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Jam Mart Furniture

I really like this one! The Spiderweb Clock looks like an amazing item!
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In addition, the Origami Chair and the Origami Couch are leaving!
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Outback Imports

From the deep, we have the Haunted Tavie Portrait!
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Miscellaneous- Play Wild!

Today is the 31st of October, so rares are available on Play Wild!– it’s a bit random on how you get them on Super Sweets, but from my many runs I’ve been consistently getting them when I deal a lot of damage. Save up one kind of candy and chain them up before something fatal happens to you or your final opponent, and dealing a large amount of damage, you get a prize! I tried too with several other factors such as fastest, slowest, etc., but I think dealing the maximum damage over 150 or 200 seems to be the ticket to these sweet Halloween rares. I see their value increasing before the next Halloween comes again! It’s not guaranteed though, so it might take several tries before your first!
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That’s all for now! I don’t celebrate Halloween haha, but for those who do, stay safe, be careful out there, have a little doubt visiting others’ today.

Jam on!

2 comments on “Haunted Spiderweb + Super Sweets Rares!

  1. q1zx says:

    Maybe I should start playing mobile… It seems a lot of effort from AJ is going there. And it seems kind of fun… HM. Idk.

    • There are a lot of updates there, but I think mostly to catch up with Animal Jam (more pets and animals, but of similar species). We don’t have a lore there though, which is why I like AJ.

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