Umbrella Bouquet + Rare Flower Beard

Hey Jammers! Sorry for yet another late post!
Rainbow here! How’s everyone doing?

Anyway, let’s get this started!

Jam Mart Furniture

Oh! The Umbrella Bouquet looks like such an adorable and dainty item!
It’s a bit small though, but I think it’ll make nice hanging decorations!

Outback Imports

The Frozen Stepping Stones are leaving in ten days!

Diamond Shop

The Flying Pig Streamer is leaving in ten days!

Miscellaneous – Play Wild!

If you venture to Coral Canyons, you’ll find Arthur the Traveling Salesman there! I feel like he really admires Leilani or is sponsored by the Arctic wolf since he always seem to talk highly of them.

Here you can find the remains of the Spring Rainbow Armor, consisting of the Spring Rainbow Mask, Spring Rainbow Amulet and the Spring Rainbow Armor! For spring, Arthur also has the Flower Backpack, Flower Earrings, Flower Boots, Tulip Sun Visor, Flowered Arm Cuffs and the Spring Flower Horns!
Oddly I owned none of them before, so I’m buying them all!

Miscellaneous – Leilani

Anyway, speaking of Leilani, you can find the Arctic wolf on the volcano peak! You can trade in your Snowmaiden Cloak for the Rare Flower Beard!

Alright, that’s all for now!

Jam on, stay safe!